May 4, 2024

“The Chimes”

Recommended *** It is December, a time to think “Christmas” ( for the Jewish population, Hanukkah, others Kwanza), and for theater-goers, “A Christmas Carol”, Charles Dickens’ famous “holiday saga”. With the Pandemic, and very little theater, who would have thought that Chicago audiences would be placed in a position to be able to watch another Dickens winter saga, “The Chimes” that deals with New Years, Eve and Day!

Who, other than Remy Bumppo Theatre Company and its artistic Director, Nick Sandys, could bring this to the “stage” under the Covid-19 rules of theater? He has not only adapted this piece for stage ( in this case, virtual stage), but his interpretation and  1 hour 45 minute one man production is a treat to view. If you have a desire to be a performer, you MUST watch him work! He is magnificent and if one were to rate his performance alone, the rating would be MUST SEE ******!

Now, on to the play! “The Chimes” is a story ( which I believe was last performed back in 2013)  that allows Sandys to truly show his ability to hold an audience captive. Besides taking on the persona of the author/playwright, Charles Dickens, Sandys portrays every character, male and female in this saga. Unlike “The Christmas Carol” that is filled with ghosts, “The Chimes” refers to Goblins as it tells a story about love that takes us through the New Year holiday- New Years Eve and Day!

“The Chimes” , like all of the works of Dickens, deals with great seasonal elements,, emotions, spooky spirits and of course, plenty of social criticism. There is even a “toast” to “Dignity of Labor”. Who would have thought. The one-man play is divided into 4 quarters (like a football game), but they are unequal in time, if not in mood.

What makes this production so very special is Nick Sandys himself. He is an unusual talent! Sandys has the ability to hold an audience from start to finish, changing characters at will. His voice, face and body movement are powerful and amazing. I believe he is using his home to put on this production and with his knowledge of theater, he has all the correct lighting, sound, and even props to make it work. The greater part of this show is that he has done the adaptation and he knows the work of the author ( he grew up on Dickens).

This is what one might call a “public reading”. Yes, he has the script at hand, but watch closely, he hardly ever looks at it! He knows the work! He understands the work! He truly becomes Dickens and all of the characters contained within the stry. The main character, Toby “Trotty” Veck is played by Sandys ( as are the others) and he brings them all to life. No person is born evil!  Crime and poverty are not “just there”. Man creates these!

If you like somewhat eerie tales- or like Dickens or just want a chance to watch the incredible Nick Sandys do his thing, this is one that you MUST watch.

“The Chimes” will be available to stream ( a whole new form of theater) thru January 3rd. Tickets are $15 ( for theater of this quality?)

To reserve your chance to see this, visit

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