The Libertyville chapter of Special Gifts Theatre is currently featuring the original adaptation of DreamWorks’ “Shrek the Musical, Jr.” online...
It is not always neat or easy for a well-trained orchestra to accompany a vocal or instrumental soloist. The conductor...
“The Chevalier” is a uniquely conceived performance that tells an unknown story about the life of Joseph Bologne, Chevalier de...
On yesterday's show ( WCPT 820 am radio) at 2:30 pm. Frank and I were able to take a little...
If you love watching tap dancing, you will LOVE what I just experienced, Chicago Tap Theatre presenting their "welcome back...
Today I visited a shop on Rockwell just south of Lawrence Avenue in Chicago. This particular store is unique in...
Highly Recommended **** From Fall til Spring, when the weather is from nippy to downright freezing, there is nothing as yummy...
Headliner Corky Siegel and his wife Holly hosted a one-of-a-kind concert/musical variety show for this year’s annual New Year’s Eve...
Did you get a present that you didn't like? Don't return it! Re-gift it! Trade in that unwanted ( or...
Another Christmas celebration ( as Santa) during this era known as Covid-19. For many years, my Christmas Day has been...