May 21, 2024

Meal Village revisited

[rating=4] I am a meat and potato diner! Yes, I do appreciate seafood, sushi, Asian ( other) and Italian including Pizza. For the years that I have been ordering the meals at Meal Village, I have for the most part been great on their soups ( and the chili), the meatloaf ( my absolute favorites) and a few solid staple dinners. I am not an experimental eater. They have, from time to time given me a hard time when I place my orders saying, “What’s new?” “Are you ready to try something a little different?” and “we have some great cold dishes/salads you should try”. For the most art, I listen to what they say, but do not hear what they say and order my usual’s.

Last week, THEY decided to have some fun with me. On Friday, they delivered a few dishes that I did NOT order ( and as it turns out, did not charge me for either) so I would have to either waste good food or try something new. The item they delivered was  a Latin Steak Salad with Corn Salsa. Here is how it looks in their special packages.

This is a sever cold meal containing dairy and it is about as easy to prepare as opening the package, putting on a plate and drizzle with the dressing.

The ingredients are boof, vegetable oil, garlic, chili powder, cummin, smoked paprika, cayenne lettuce, corn, black beans, scallions, cilantro, corn tortillas ( which I opted not to eat, but looked terrific), salt, pepper and a slice of lime to be squeezed over the salad prior to adding the dressing ( ranch is included).

I placed on the plate, spread around and truly enjoyed a dinner that under normal circumstances would have never selected. Now, it will be on my “to order list” and perhaps, I will let my guard down next time and add the  tortilla pieces.

Are you ready to have some great meals, with zero contracts, and great prices? Visit, use code ATTC50* for 50% off your first order

expires July 31st.2022