March 4, 2025

Coffee delivered to your home!

Coffee! We’re Talking about Coffee!

I am a coffee NUT! Each morning, after I have my two cups of regular java, I switch over to decaf. This has been the ritual for years (well since my first heart situation), and I am very content with the arrangement. I drink the brew almost all day and then again after dinner. I am hooked!

Many of us are brand conscious. I am not! I do enjoy Dunkin Donuts and McDonalds far more than Starbucks and some of the smaller indy coffee shops are delightful too. My readers and listeners, from time to time tell me of different brands and often I come across something new at the grocery store (and I will try).

Recently, I was sent some info on a direct mail company called Angelino’s Coffee, located in Los Angeles.

They roast their beans and create their coffee so that each person who enjoys a cup will indeed be happy. In fact, they say that the experience they are shooting for is that “each and every cup of coffee you sip will put a smile on your face”.

This is a family owned and operated business that is working hard to grow not only their product, but their audience. They roast their product ( the beans come from around the world) in small batches, making the shipment you receive at your home as fresh as possible.

The plan that they offer is auto-delivery so you can pre-plan your usage and never run out!.

That is right! With this company, once you establish your patterns, you will be ensured of always having their freshly roasted single serve cups on hand.

You design the program and customize it so that you have one less thing to concern your life with.  The program is risk-free, so you can alter, pause or discontinue any time after your first shipment is created.

I can tell you after sampling some of the flavors, this will be difficult to do. YOU WILL LOVE THEM!

We just received ours and already I have enjoyed Jamaican Me Crazy (in both regular and decaf)  Flavored medium roast. Both Jane and I enjoyed every drop. I also partook of the medium dark roast- Moka Java- a winner!

I drink my coffee black, Jane with flavored cream. The flavors offered in their collection seem to be ones that drinking it black will be effective for flavor (and less caloric to boot).

They also have some Cocoas and cappuccinos and a wide selection of organic teas (tropical Mango and Ginger Peach look terrific) that I hope to try very soon.

How to begin. Go to www.angelino’scom

Call 1-800-407-0889

Mention “around the town” and  say ATTC10 for ten percent off your order from Uncle Al

NOTE: You probably think this will cost a lot- guess what? Depending on what you purchase, your per cup cost can be as low as 39 cents !

When you buy a box of 10 or 12 K-cups, the average ends up around 66 cents ( not including tax) and you cannot customize your beverage list.

What are you waiting for?  Get ready to savor the flavor of Angelino’sCoffee and Tea!