War of the Well(e)s is a fascinating look at one of the most bizarre moments in American history. The story of a notorious evening of panic and mass hysteria, the play is an insider’s account of the players and circumstances that collided one fateful autumn evening on the eve of Halloween, 1938. A shaken America struggles to recover from economic collapse as Hitler threatens the future of the Free World. At 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, our nation is attacked…by the planet Mars.
A Brilliant “Boy Wonder”, Orson Wells envisions the most terrifying hour of LIVE radio ever presented that night causing mass hysteria. This is THE story of the legendary event that forever changed the rules of broadcasting and at the same time, made this young man a “superstar”!
This adio drama written by Michael Weber ( Artistic Director of Porchlight Music Theatre) and directed by Lawrence Grimm ( A Red Orchid Ensemble member) and featuring a cast of actors featuring Lance Baker, Will Clinger, Mierka Girten, Henry Godinez, Grimm himself, Tom Hickey, Levi Holloway, Anish Jethmalani, Travis Knight,John Lister, Philip Lortie, Jon Mozes, Danny McCarthy, Sadieh Rafai, Kevin Matthew Reyes, Cameron Roberts, Steve Schine, Guy Van Swearingen, Michael Shannon, Jeff Still, Michael Patrick Thornton, Doug Vickers, Jonathan Wagner, Jonathan Weir and of course, the aurhor, Michael Weber.
Working with Messrs Grimm and Wber, Mathew Grimm supervising the sound and Colin Grimm the production artwork.
With a cast of 25 actors from New York to Chicago to Los Angeles, all on hiatus from their respective Broadway, storefront theatre and film and television commitments, the audio drama opens the door on a behind-the-scenes portrait of the original Mercury Theatre production pioneered by Welles and John Houseman, and reveals the ways in which Americans’ heightened sensitivity to fear and uncertainty quickly led to a panicked hysteria across much of the country in 1938.
This is a [rating=5] production that will hold you for both acts and for you younger people a lesson in what radio truly was back in the day. It was true entertainment where we the audience used our imagination to picture in our minds what was taking place. This ensemble piece that has been created to entertain and raise funds for the two theater companies is a true feeling of the days of my youth.
During these days of closed theaters, isn’t nice that the creative minds of those we enjoy and have for decades found a way to bring us entertainment of a different nature and for your younger theater-goers, a change to re-live history with a great story and a marvelous presentation.
“War of the Well(e)s will be available thru July 31st
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