March 1, 2025

“The Things I Never Could Have Told Steven” reviewed by Frank Meccia

Highly Recommended *****  Pride Art Center, the theatre built by the pioneer of LGBT theatre in Chicago David Zac, has brought in a fantastic new Artistic Director/ Director Jay Espano, to infuse new blood into a theatre that has received constant awards and nomination over the years.

Pride Arts has opened ,after Covid ,with the American premier of “THE THINGS I NEVER COULD HAVE TOLD STEVEN ” By Australian writer Jye Bryant. A four-character musical which introduces us to a mother, a father ,a new wife and a on- again- off -again boyfriend of a man called Steven. By the middle of the play, you totally dislike Steven even though he is never in the play. Steven is the type of man I never wanted to be or associate with. The type of gay man that gives ammo to the critics of the LGBT community.

Jay has put together a strong cast, each one a main character, in their own way and is able to hold the play together completely.

What makes this play different, it’s a musical. 19 original songs performed revue-style.

These songs bring together this show because they are funny and edgy and very touching to each member of the audience. You can’t help feeling so many emotions with these four characters on stage, Carl Herzog as the father with a secret, who thinks his son is just like him, has a marvelous vocal range. You can feel his pride of his son through these songs. But the surprise performance goes to Kyra Leigh as the overbearing, son can do no wrong mother. The way she can handle a drink and give you that stare or an excuse for her son’s behavior is priceless.

The one character you feel sorry for, who lets you feel her pains at what Steven is doing to her is Elissa Newcorn, last time I saw and heard her fantastic voice was with Music Theatre Works production of The Hunchback Of Notre Dame. She packs so much drama and emotion into her delivery. We watch her go from being the blushing bride, to new housewife to having her husband walk out on her for another man. Her stage presence is powerful, as we feel each emotion with her.

And then we come to the Ex-lover / new boyfriend, Nate Hall who plays the naive boyfriend who is consumed by Steven. The way they were able to project the text messages that are sent is a clever idea. To be honest, the entire staging and sets for this show in the new refurbished Pride Arts Center, speaks volumes as the new high standard that this theatre company can reach. In order to truly  complete a new musical, you need a great musical director, and Robert Olli’s is an icon in the music world in Chicago.

This play has it all. And a good reason to get out of the house and enjoy 90 minutes of true entertainment.
“The Things I could Never Tell Steven”  is playing till Sept 19th at the The Broadway. Pride Arts Center is located at 4139 N. Broadway, Chicago. with performances as follows:

Thursdays   7:30 p.m.

Fridays  7:30 p.m.

Saturdays  7:30 p.m.

Sundays  3 :00 p.m.

ADDED Wednesday, September 1 at 7:30 p.m.

Tickets $30 and can be ordered at

To see what others are saying, visit, go to Review Round-Up and click at “The Things I Could Never Tell Steven”.

This production is a true 5/5 stars. Everything came together to create a wonderful experience with live theatre.

REVIEWED BY: Frank Meccia