*** “The Swan,” written by Elizabeth Egloff and presented by Theatre L’Acadie, is a thought-provoking production that has garnered attention for its unique storytelling and powerful performances. Directed by Erin Sheets, the play explores complex themes of love, fidelity, and transformation, set against the backdrop of a near-life-sized apartment meticulously crafted by set designer Brandii Champagne, who also played Dora.
Cast and Performances:
Dara (Brandii Champagne): Brandii Champagne delivers a compelling performance as Dara, a woman caught in a turbulent love triangle. Her portrayal captures the nuances of a character navigating emotional complexities and societal expectations.
Kevin (Jordan Gleaves): As Dara’s new love interest who is still married and wants to keep Dara as his mistress, Jordan Gleaves convincingly portrays a man torn between his desires and responsibilities.
Swan/Bill (Kevin Blair): Kevin Blair’s dual role as the Swan and Bill is particularly noteworthy. His ability to embody both the mystical and human elements of his character adds a rich layer to the narrative, making his performance a standout.
Production Elements:
The set design by Brandii Champagne is nothing short of brilliant. The apartment setting, created with just framing and no walls, gives an almost life-sized impression of a real apartment. This innovative approach not only adds to the realism but also enhances the intimacy of the performance.
Lighting Design (Sam Anderson): Sam Anderson’s lighting design perfectly complements the set, enhancing the mood and atmosphere of the play. The lighting subtly shifts to reflect the emotional states of the characters, adding depth to the storytelling.
Theatre L’Acadie’s Mission:
Since its inception in 2019, Theatre L’Acadie has faced challenges, including a two-year closure. However, the theatre remains committed to its mission, encapsulated in its motto: “How do you get people to talk about the ugly?” This production of “The Swan” is a testament to their dedication to exploring difficult and often uncomfortable topics through the medium of theatre.
Overall Impression:
“The Swan” is a poignant and engaging production that showcases the talents of its cast and crew. Theatre L’Acadie has created a thought-provoking experience that challenges audiences to confront and discuss human relationships’ “ugly” aspects and societal norms. With its pay-what-you-can admission, the theatre makes this powerful work accessible to a wide audience, encouraging dialogue and reflection long after the final curtain falls.
Performances run through July 27th,
Wednesday through Saturday, at 8 p.m., and it is recommended for those looking for an evocative and well-executed theatrical experience. The Swan plays at the Facility Theatre at 1138 California Ave, Chicago.
For more information and tickets, their email is theatrelacadia@gmail.com.
To see what others are saying, visit www.theatreinchicago.com, go to Review Round-Up and click at “The Swan”.
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