Somewhat Recommended ** I may be a bit long in the tooth, or perhaps due to not having read any of the book series, but last night I was witness to a zany rock musical, “The Lightning Thief : The Percy Jackson Musical”, and did not get into it. I noticed that the younger, milleniels were ,and they laughed at things that I did not find funny ( those who have ever sat near me, I am one of the better laughers- this one, NOT SO MUCH!). Percy Jackson (Chris McCarrell has a great vocal range and a great stage presence) is the son of Poseidon, and has powers that he doesn’t understand. He also has monsters looking for him and is very confused about his identity. He knows that the Greek Gods are about to wage war and it is his quest to stop this from taking place. His best friend, Grover ( a great comic touch by Jorrel Javier, who also is divine as Mr. D) and Annabeth ( adorably played by Kristin Stokes) who is the daughter of another God, join him as they take all modes of transport to get to Hades ( yes, that is correct, they “go to Hell, and back”) and stop the war of wars.
The technical aspects are bright and loud. They will shoot things out over the audience so you might find silver cels in your hair, even hours later. The show is a Rock Musical so it is loud and very “glitzy”, but expected.
I suppose reading the books might make a difference. It seems that those who had known more about what was happening and who everyone was and felt that the added music and lyrics were a bonus. I will say that the cast is terrific. In addition to the above, Ryan Knowles ( the deepest voice you will ever hear) Sarah Beth Pfeifer, James Hayden Rodriguez and Jalynn Steele , who handle all the other characters are highly energetic and have solid voices. The book by Joe Tracz was a bit confusing for me, as I do not know the stories and the music and lyrics (Rob Rokicki) are powerful, work for the story, but will not be anything you hum as you leave the Oriental Theatre ( this is the last play to be in this house, which is to be renamed later this month). The original book by Rick Riordan might be worthwhile reading before seeing this production, but you need to move quickly, as it is on the road and will only be available in Chicago thru Sunday, the 13th with performances as follows:
Tonight at 7:30 p.m
Fridays 7:30 p.m.
Saturday 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.
Sunday 2 p.m. and then on the road
Tickets range from $25-$80 and can be purchased at any of the Broadway In Chicago box offices or by visiting BroadwayInChicago.com
The Oriental Theatre is located at 24 West Randolph Street.
Running time for this Rock Musical is 2 hours and 5 minutes including a 15 minute intermission.
To see what others are saying, visit www.theatreinchicago.com, go to Review Round-up and click at “The Lightning Thief: The Percy Jackson Musical”
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