March 3, 2025

“The Girl Who Swallowed a Cactus”

Recommended *** What do we do when there is nothing to do? During ths Covid19 period, many of us have found ourselves facing boredom. Kids, while mostly attending class on zoom find themselves with a great deal of “self” time. Why not watch a play/theatrical production instead of the “boob-tube”? Thanks to First Stage of Milwaukee, the family can enjoy a smashing hour of creativity on their computer. The name of the play is “The Girl Who Swallowed A Cactus ( in your home). This last part was added due to the age we are living in, Covid 19 and the theaters being closed. Ergo- a virtual season.

“Cactus”, written by Eric Coble, directed by Jeff Frank and featuring Milwaukee’s own Karen Estrada is different, but will take you back to your youth.If you ever were left at home, alone, before computers and electronic games and toys, you may have used the toys you owned or the items in a box in the kitchen to create your own play or story. I know that I loved to do soldiers and war stories where I was always the hero ( one time I was Superman because my aunt Lil gae me a small Clark Kent/Superman combo- it was terrific.

In the story that Estrada brings to us, she uses items like a salt and pepper shaker ( the are twins), play dough ( which she converts into a cactus plant), pliers, a bottle of Ketchup, hair clip/comb ( the monstor) and a host of other items in a cardboard box ( with make believe they are magical items) including the box itself.

The story takes place in New Mexico. The “kids” ( items that I mentioned) have a fortress in a “junk yard ( remember, all the items n the box are junk) and a well-dressed coyote ( a true con-man) steals and orange traffic cone. They must seek revenge and so take off in pursuit of this fiend.

Estrada is sheer perfection as the girl who is stuck home and is masterminding this imaginative saga. It has been adapted from stage to “at home” and recorded so that families can view together online. It will continue to be availabe until the 22nd of November. Tickets are available from $15-$40. Ticket buyers should purchase the price point that is most comfortable to their budgets.

You can purchase online at or call 1-414-267-2961

suggested for kids from 7 to teens, but great for family viewing ( lots to discuss with the little ones after viewing).