February 23, 2025

“Sex Tips for Straight Women from a Gay Man”

[rating=3] Tonight was “date night” on Lincoln Avenue. Several weeks ago, I interviewed Matt Murphy, creator of the comedy hit “Sex Tips for Straight Women from a Gay Man” on my radio show. We were scheduled to follow-up with a visit to the Greenhouse theater to see this production and review. A funny thing happened before we could. Covid struck the opening night cast of “Moulin Rouge” and so we had to wait for that BIC tour. The new date was the same night as this opening, so it was delayed and tonight, I was able to get in gear and visit this show.

While this is not a show for everyone, in particular little kids, it is perfect for “ladies night out:, Bachelorette Parties” and perhaps date night ( it may answer some questions that just may help the end of the night). Local actor Adam Fane, who has graced many a Chicago area stage doing smaller roles, for the most part is the main character in this 80 minute play. His character , Dan , is in fact the Gay man who wrote the book. The show starts off as if we are at a seminar where a famous PHD will be talking about the book. Oh, no! We are told that she has passed away and her aide, Robyn ( played to perfection by Emma Jo Boyden) who is a “plain jane” type, with little or no experience with men. Dan is going to go through the book, chapter by chapter with her, and the audience with a flair for the most comic touch dealing with the topics. I will say that one of the very first little topics is “Name That Penis”.

The third member of the cast is Stefan ( played tonight by Andrew Cawley), who is the lighting and sound guy, but ends up becoming much more including the love interest to Robyn,

This is an audience participation show and Fane is brilliant with his ad-libs and getting those selected to respond. This is no easy task, but Fane truly proves what he is made of in his handling of each situation that comes with using audience members who may have already started drinking on a Saturday night.

Rather than go into detail and ruin it for you, I will tell you that it is a fun-filled theatrical experience. These three performers get the audience involved, some on the stage and others from their seats. The material is sex orientated ( I am sure the title gave you a clue) and so one who buys a ticket should expect there to be some shocking bits. If you enter with an open mind, you will laugh and I can almost guarantee that you will have a ball! ( or two). You will certainly look at making juice in your juicer in a different light. While this is not a must see show, if you are looking for a fun night out, this will work.

“Sex Tips for Straight Women from a Gay Man” will continue at The Greenhouse Theater Center thru – Jul 2, 2022


Price: $49.95-$79.95

Show Type: Comedy

Box Office: 773-404-7336– website  www.greenhousetheater.org

The Greenhouse Theater Center is located at 2257 N. Lincoln Avenue in Chicago.

To see what others are saying, visit www.theatreinchicago.com, go to Review Round-Up and click at ” Sex Tips for Straight Women from a Gay Man”.