March 8, 2025

“Potted Potter”

This is truly a family orientated show that is written and performed by Daniel Clarkson and Jefferson Turner ( formerly BBC TV hosts) that is performed on an almost bare stage with a great many props, adorable songs, some wild costumes, audience participation and a game of "Quidditch" with its very special rules. As it turns out, you need not know much about Harry Potter , but if you have read the books or seen the films, you probably have one step up on those who don't. As these two comics , who almost remind me of adult style "Wiggles', take us through the magic of "Potter", we start to get the idea about the characters in the novels and the plots.

[rating=4]Can you imagine learning all about the seven “harry Potter” books in just 70 minutes of time? Well, that is what you will experience as you witness Broadway In Chicago’s new arrival, “Potted Potter” The unauthorized harry Experience at the Broadway Playhouse, that intimate space located at Water Tower Place just off Michigan Avenue. This is truly a family orientated show that is written and performed by Daniel Clarkson and Jefferson Turner ( formerly BBC TV hosts) that is performed on an almost bare stage with a great many props, adorable songs, some wild costumes, audience participation and a game of “Quidditch” with its very special rules. As it turns out, you need not know much about Harry Potter , but if you have read the books or seen the films, you probably have one step up on those who don’t. As these two comics , who almost remind me of adult style “Wiggles’, take us through the magic of “Potter”, we start to get the idea about the characters in the novels and the plots.

If you do not know the difference between a Hufflepuf and a horcrux, never mind. The antics of these men will give you a better understanding. The show is geared for ages six to Dumbledore ( very old indeed) with some audience participation. In particular two youngsters who go on stage to get involved and of course the special game of Quidditch, about half way through the 70 minute show. It appears that Jeff, who is the expert on Potter is the straight man for Dan, who is hysterical and plays the audience with the greatest of ease.

This of course is a parody on this famous character, one that people have waited in line for first editions of the novels or to be first to see the newest film. It is geared to poke fun at an icon and yet to allow a family to share a theatrical moment together, and let’s face it, there is not enough of this in today’s world. Right now, this hilarious show has no schedule of how long it will be at The Broadway Playhouse, but rumor has it, as long as people want to see it, and should the need for another space come to be, I can grant you that Broadway In Chicago will find a place.

The schedule as of now is:

Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m.,Wednesdays at 2 and 7:30 p.m.,Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. ( except for TURKEY DAY), Fridays at 7:30 p.,m. on the 23rd of November, there will be a 2 p.m. matinee, Saturdays at 2 and 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. ( a special 5 p.m. on the 25th)

Ticket prices range from $39.95 to $84.95 ( a little pricey for a 70 minute show) and can be purchased at all BRoadway In Chicago box offices, the Kiosk at Water Tower Place, the Broadway In Chicago Ticketline at 800-775-2000, all Ticketmaster outlets and online at

There is disocunted parking at water Tower’s garage. The theater is located 175 East Chestnut, just East of Michigan Avenue

To learn actual dates and locations or to order tickets visit

to see what others are saying about this delightful family entertainment go to my home page, link to theatre in Chicago, go to Review Round-up and click on “Potted Potter”