March 7, 2025

“My Brother Langston” reviewed by Paul Lisnek, host of “Behind the Curtain Podcast on WGN radio

[rating=5]Full Disclosure: I am a long time fan of the work and mission of the Black Ensemble Theater. Jackie Taylor has dedicated her life’s mission to eradicating racism during our lifetime. And she has strived to do so through the art of theater and bringing all races together up on the north side of the city. Now, Ms. Taylor may not get rid of all racism in this life, she is really making strides towards reaching that goal. Many BET shows are musical biographies with history, music and fun such as the Teddy Pendergrast Story, Dionne Warwicke and so many more…..

This takes us to  the current production: My Brother Langston, written and directed by Rueben D. Echoles. Rueben is a long-time fixture at BET for sure taking on many roles including lead performer. This multi-talented man does his art on stage, off stage, back stage and everywhere else you can imagine.  This production sees Rueben take BET to a new level of accomplishment and I don’t say this lightly.

My Brother Langston is the story of Langston Hughes, an outstanding and controversial Harlem Renaissance writer. This show not only tells his story, but surrounds and propels the plot by incorporating the beautiful music of Billie Holiday, Louis Armstrong and many other greats of the time. We are treated to Take the A- Train, In Your Solitude, What a Wonderful World and so much more…it’s not a BET production without amazing music performed by incredible singers and the superb BET House Band. But the story also greatly, and smartly relies on Hughes’ poetry. It’s almost like attending a poetry recital, except much much better because  Echoles incorporates Hughes writings in a way that shares a message, gives us insight into Hughes the man, and moves the story forward.

I have performed works of Langston Hughes back in my college days, but I never knew the history he brought to bare. His work was indeed revolutionary, He succeeded despite a father who wanted to see him go in another direction with a solid income, racism that got in his way at so many steps, and a sexual orientation that wasn’t accepted in his day.

Chris Taylor plays Langston Hughes, and although Taylor ahs been a performer for almost 10 years including on the BET stage before, I am quite sure that this is the role that will bring a lot more notice and recognition to his talent and work. He is never off the stage, and he is never without energy and direction. He is a marvel to watch.

The supporting cast members are all wonderful and it’s a joy to watch the ensemble take on numerous roles, each one creating magic on the stage.

If you have never seen a show at Black Ensemble Theater, then this is the show to start your relationship. If you have seen shows at BET, then you are truly in for a treat as you watch a production unlike any I’ve seen on that stage. That is not not to say that all BET productions aren’t wonderful because they are. Indeed, my opening disclaimer was to tell you that I’m along time fan. But this show truly blew me away. I’m already doing research into the life of Langston Hughes. Reuben Echoles and this cast have left me wanting more….a lot more.

My Brother Langston plays until September 18th with performances as follows:


Saturdays:3:00pm & 7:00pm


Show Type: Musical

Box Office: 773-769-4451

They do have parking in their garage ( valet) and on street parking is available ( pay attention to Cubs schedule for ease)

To see what others are saying, visit, go to Review Round-Up and click at ” My Brother Langston”.



Paul is also the host on “Broadway Backstage” on Comcast Network and the political “guy” on WGN

Thanks for handling this while I was on-air at wcpt820 Sunday  2-3 p.m.

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