[rating=3] Each year, our theater scene sees a lot of activity leaning away from the theater itself; the Cirque shows, performance art and of course Cabaret type shows are mostly performed in theaters, so why not be treated as theater? While they are entertainment, sometimes more so than the stage productions we are given, they do not tell a story so we should not count them as “theater”, but an entertainment experience. This being said, let me tell you about a new theatrical experience that has evolved using performance art, cabaret and cirque all together in a very intimate setting in the new Riverfront Theater ( a lovely tent that has replaced that of “Peter Pan” last year, to bring different types of performance art to the River West area. The show is called “La Soiree” a combination burlesque ( there is strip tease, some full nudity and is for an adult audience only), Circus sideshow, Variety, Cabaret and of course some typical Cirque type numbers performed in a different way.
This is a very sexy show, with lots of inuendos and some very comical audience participation. Some of what this show offers; Miss Amy G who will astound you with her magical kazoo performance. She will make you stand up and take notice. Bret Pfister makes what we used to call trapeze artistry, something very different. Set right above the audience, his sensual movements and agility are mind boggling. But talk about mind boggling agility , The English Gents, Dennis Lock and Hamish McCann are amazing athletes who perform some unusual feats together and as soloists where they almost defy gravity and for you ladies, while they are doing their thing, they strip so that you can enjoy gazing at the fined tuned and toned bodies they have developed over the year.
Speaking of bodies, famed magician Susannah Martinez will show you a trick that you will not believe, all set to a very erotic strip tease. As she makes her hanky disappear, little by little, all the potential hiding places are gone. This one does go to full nudity( so be prepared). Nate Cooper is the comic in this show as the mime who taps on roller skates, seems the fool when it comes to juggling and feats, but all this is a set up for a master on a very small stage. Hula Hooping is one of the attractions in every Cirque show, but the very sexy Yulia Pykhtina will show you some hooping like you have never seen before. Mooky is the lady ( or is she?) comic who picks on an audience member and has some fun at his expense and while this was a cute segment, it went on far to long.
LeGateau Chocolat, who opened both the first and secon acts is a powerful singer who for some reason feels the need to be a diva dressed in body hugging lycra with a yellow wig. I truly feel that this man should look i the mirror and see what he looks like. His voice is powerful and would be welcomed on almost any stage doing opera or musicals. Why not just sing?David O’Mer, another gymnast is the final number called “Bath Boy” where he is in a bathtub, water filled, wearing blue jeans and as he does his aerial ballet, people in the first few rows will find a refreshing spray as he flys overhead. The overall show is filled with new acts to see, humor, and some memories of things that you may never see on a stage again. From the unbelievable “Singin In The Rain” and other songs “pole dance”, to the singing of “Tonight”, the Kazoo concert, the pile those chairs up as done by a Sumo wrestler and all in all two hours of entertainment in a special setting.That’s entertainment!
“La Soiree” is only here for a short time; through August 5th with performances as follows:
Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday evenings 7:30 p.m.,Fridays at 8 p.m.,Saturdas 6 and 9 p.m.,and Sundays at 4 and 7 p.m.
Tickets range from $39-$85 with ringside seating being very close to the stage, which is in the center of the tent stage area.
To purchase your tickets call 888 556 9484, visit www.RiverfronTheater.com or through Ticketmaster at www.ticketmaster.com
The 70 Foot high , 22,000 square foot tent is lcoated at 650 West Chicago Avenue ( Tribune Freedom Park) just East of Halsted and easy to get to by public transportation. There is some parking on the premises and there is a dining tent, but only snacks and drinks ( beer and wine are the only hard stuff), so you might want to dine first.
To see more about this show, visit www.theatreinchicago.com , go to review round-up and click on La Soiree
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