March 4, 2025

“James and the Giant Peach”

***** Today, a weekday, I attended the children’s show at Marriott Lincolnshire :James and the Giant Peach”, a remarkable voyage as written by Roald Dahl. Attending on a weekday with an audience made up of grade school students ( busloads of them, along with teachers and supervision parents) is a special treat. These are the future theater audience members and unlike a great deal of those I see on a regular basis, they are quiet, attentive and do not have cell phones ( yet).
When it come to Children’s productions, I try to find or bring a child of the right age to the show. Since my grandkids have become to old or busy to do this, I have been very lucky to find kids that either love theater or love the idea of being able to express how they feel so that others can determine if they want to attend or at least parents and or grandparents can decide to buy tickets. I thank then all. Thi sone was a little tougher. While I did have one of our regulars Tyler Baldocchi and her friend Shane at Marriott, I myself was at Chicago Shakespeare for their opening of “Short Shakespeare: Romeo & Juliet”, so I cannot see “James and the Giant Peach” until mid week. Frank was also in Lincolnshire with a family friend.
I will tell you that both Tyler and Shane enjoyed the show very much. They both loved that the performers had British accents. Since this is an adaptation of Roald Dahls adventure ( of course , very British) that makes sense. Shane loved the scene where James saves the centipede and both felt that the story is a fun experience. They were also excited that after the show , during the Q and A, their questions were answered.
James  ( Kal Edgar is a delightful young performer)is an orphan who is claimed by two aunts ( the hysterical  Lucy Godinez as Aunt Sponge and the adorable Leah Morrow as Aunt Spiker) sent to chop down an old fruit tree and in doing so, he finds a magical potion that produces a monster of a peach.
He ends up being in the center of this peach and all of the insects that are almost human size. They all have their own personalities and as they roll down into the ocean, they all learn that if they work together they can survive ( and be happy). The emcee, who also plays a myriad of parts is played to perfection by Alex Goodrich, one of Chicago’s finest comic actors.
Based on what I am told by my junior reporters I would say this is a highly recommended ****
Stay tuned for info from my cohost, Frank and I will add even more before the week is over!Theensembleplayersareterrificsingers,dancers,puppeteersandmakethisshowrunsmoothasbutter:AndresEnriquez,ChristopherKaleJones,GarretLutz,ElizabethTelforsandJuwonTyrelPerry.Theyareterrific.Director/choreographerTommyRapleyunderstandthetheater-in-the-roundconceptandusesthestagetofulladvantageallowingallfoursidesoftheaudicnesgreatsightlines.
“James and the Giant Peach” will continue thru March 30th with performances as follows:
General public
Saturdays    10:00am
Sundays      10:00am
March 29th- Good Friday 10 a.m. and  12:30 p.m.
Schools and groups:
Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays  at 10:00 a.m.

Show Type: Childrens

Box Office: 847-634-0200

Theater located at 10 Marriott Drive in Lincolnshire Illinois

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