The book itself was written by Diablo Cody, who as it turns out has Chicago roots. The touring production is directed by Diane Paulus and the musicians, conducted by Matt Doebler , who are onstage for the entire production are amazing. The sets (Ricardo Hernandez), lighting (Justin Townsend) and sound (Jonathan Deans) are all an integral part in making this almost three hours ( one 15 minute intermission) of theater an experience to remember.

If I were asked to describe “Jagged Little Pill” in one word, I would have to use the word “mesmerizing” to describe the total picture created by this ensemble of performers. Yes, there are roles that are what you would call “lead” roles, but this is one of those stories that like “Dear Evan Hansen” is truly one where every character and each performer is as important as the rest.
The story is filled with secrets. The Healy family is the main family in this upper middle-class family that resides in Connecticut. I have family in Norwalk, so I am familiar with the people of Connecticut. The Healy family fits to a tee. Mary Jane ( an incredible performance by Heidi Blickenstaff) is a woman who after an auto accident became dependent on her meds. But there are other secrets. Her husband, Steve ( deftly handled by Chris Hoch) is a hard worker who spends a great deal of time away from home, for several reasons. The children are Nick (Dillon Klena, whose brother played this role on Broadway and he does a great job as well) and Frankie ( played to perfection by Lauren Chanel). FYI- Frankie is African-American and adopted. During the play we find out more about this particular situation.

The story deals with this family and the people in their lives. It also deals with sexual problems, gender situations, homosexuality, rape, honor and secrets. It also deals with honesty and reaching truths and starting over. Yes, rebirth for many characters. The ensemble in this production are amazing! They are asked to do more than just sing and dance ,and do so with flying colors. Speaking of “flying”, one of the ensemble members, Jena VanElslander in a wonderful moment truly appears to “take flight”. This is a scene where Mary Jane is struggling with her inner self and her past and the secrets in that past. This scene is mind-boggling! Also, a tip of the hat to Jade McLeod as Jo, Frankie’s BF and to Allison Sheppard as Bella.

The rest of the ensemble members are as follows: Lee H. Alexander, Delaney Brown, Justin Scott Brown, Maya J. Christian, Clair Crause, Sean Doherty, Risha Golani, Jason Goldston, Cydney Kutcipal, Jordan Leigh McCaskill, Sophie Lee Morris, Alana Pollard, Carmella Taitt, Daniel Thimm, Kei Tseruhartani, Bligh Voth and Charles P. Way. Great work!

I for one was not familiar with the music of Morissette with the exception of “Wake Up” and “Forgiven”, but now see that every song from this album has meaning making it easy to convert the music into a story. This is not like Abba and “Mamma Mia” as this story is very deep and will wake some people up to things that are happening in our cities, no matter where they are. Rape is a terrible thing and watching it happen and a life being destroyed can never happen. When the cast sings “You Learn”, I know that I for one found myself with a better understanding of some of the damage that is done by social media. This is one to make sure you see. Take your teenagers as well!
“Jagged Little Pill” will continue at The Nederlander Theatre, located at 24 West Randolph Street thru April 23rd with performances as follows:

Fri, April14:7:30pm
Sat, April 15:2:00pm & 8:00pm
Sun, April 16:2:00pm & 7:30pm
Tue, April 18:7:30pm
Wed, April 19:2:00pm & 7:30pm
Thu, April 20:7:30pm
Fri, April 21:7:30pm
Sat, April 22:2:00pm & 8:00pm
Sun, April 23:2:00pm
Show Type: Musical/Drama
for tickets, visit any of the Broadway In Chicago box offices, or www.BroadwayInChicago.com
To see what others are saying, visit www.theatreinchicago.com, go to Review Round-Up and click at “Jagged Little Pill”.
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