[rating=4] If you have a rough day, and you need a diversion- one that will make you forget all the “crap” that life deals out, there is nothing better for what ails you than Second City. This is the place for comedy and has been for over 50 years! What started out as a great training ground for some of the greatest comic stars of the last 5 decades, has become the training ground for almost every young comedian in the country. The name is Second City only because the New York “big-wigs” gave Chicago that name many moons ago. However, when it comes to comedy and improve and solid training for the next generation, Second City is indeed THE BEST!
When one thinks of “Old Town” and Wells Street at North Avenue, one knows that the many stages of Second City are just waiting there. Waiting to make us laugh and have a memorable evening of solid entertainment. They are now open with their 104th Mainstage Revue, “Fool Me Twice, Deja Vu”, a riot of laughs that explores, in two acts the exploration of intuition. How often do you feel you have been in a specific position before? Or heard a particular story or joke before? I know there are times when I am standing on a particular corner where it all seems familiar and yet, I know that I have never been in this space before.
This solid cast of six, altogether different types take us on two hours of hysterical laughter looking at what one might have said twenty- five years ago, that has now come to be. Do you recall the first time you saw “The Simpsons”? Who would have thought they would still be around today! How about the idea of the cell phone? How about a computer taking over the many tasks they do? This show takes us deep into the inner thoughts of milleniuls, Christian Media (late night after the infomercials), mothers and their children and what happens when the table are turned.
The first act begins with our six performers/comedians taking a look at some of these things, and then going back again for the start of act two, but just a bit topsy turvey- very funny! While back in the old days, many of the shows and skits were written by outside writers, who were not performers, this seems to be quite different today. The six performers, the sexy Chelsea Devantez, the powerful Rashawn Nadine Scott and the dynamic Sarah Shook, along with males performers, Jamison Webb ( the straight man), Zany Daniel Strauss and the hysterical Paul Jurewicz, not only perform the show, they wrote it themselves. They put together the theme and then work and re-work skits to make the theme workable.
Sure, they improvise along the way and keep some of the material while other bits are scrapped. They also use the audience to bring us into the show, which also keeps those sitting on an aisle or front row seat, on their toes. Who knows when they might get called on! That is one of the highlights of attending their shows. You might find yourself IN the show and have a memory that will last forever. Director Ryan Bernier knows how to use the small stage with its many doorways to great advantage making every seat one where the audience sees the action. Jacob Shuda handles the music with his original work and sound and Greg Mulvey’s projections along with the lighting by Kyle Anderson truly makes this a bright evening of laughter.
As I said earlier, if you had a “crappy day” and were ready to hit someone, driving (or taking public transportation) to Wells and North and attending this show will turn you inside out and make you a person again! The magic that is contained in the building known as Second City at 1616 N. Wells Street (2nd floor) is the magic of laughter on the second floor! And this is another unique show for you to witness. It is, as always OPEN END, meaning one never knows exactly how long it will run, but as long as there are people attending and having a great time, it will stay. This type of show can be seen many times as the jokes are so plentiful, you will find yourself missing ones that come on the heels of others that have you laughing so hard you have to catch your breath. The scene when the family is dining and the mother will let her son have anything, which in act two becomes the son taking his senile mother to brunch is so true, and funny. In fact, pay close attention to the detail of the same scene, different era, and you will see exactly what they mean by Deja Vu!
Tickets start at a mere $23 and are available by calling 312-337-3992 or online at www.SecondCity.com. Performances are as follows:
Tuesday-Thursday 8 p.m.
Friday-Saturday 8 p.m. and 11 p.m.
Sundays 7 p.m.
Running time is two hours (with an intermission) and there are some great snack foods available from appetizers to desserts. The bar is available throughout the show. Parking is somewhat limited in the area, but you can park at Treasure Island’s lot/garage for a mere $10, and you are only 1/2 a block from the theater.
To see what others are saying, visit www.theatreinchicago.com. Go to Review Round-Up and click at “Fool Me Twice, Deja Vu”
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