January 31, 2025

Cirque Du Soleil- Luzia ( a Waking Dream of Mexico)

Recommended *** Since 1984, we have been exposed to the art form known as “Cirque Du Soleil” which brings story-line and “under the big top” performance art to audiences of all ages. Performers from around the world are assembled to bring us some of the greatest circus-type talents available. Most of the performers we watch have been trained from early childhood to do the special feats they do. Now, with the ending of actual circus tents and annual performances, many will rely on the Cirque shows to be their only experience watching the special acrobatics and mind-boggling circus type performances.

The new show, now in the Cirque tent on the parking lot of the United Center, “Luzia” is quite imaginative and very stylish in its presentation. It is designed to allow us to escape to an imaginary Mexico, a world suspended between reality and the dreams of those who reside there. By the way, there are no references to the President and his “wall” or the escape from Mexico to the United States. This is an entertainment production with one thought in the minds of the producers: To entertain and amaze the audience.

If you have been witness to many productions over the years, here in Chicago or elsewhere, this show will be kind of “just another Cirque”, but if this is your first opportunity to experience the concept, you will ooh and aah in utter amazement at what you see. The designers always surprise us with something added to the tent. This year an amazing rainfall (funny, it was pouring all night while we watched it rain onstage-difference was, the rain on stage was fake) that allowed some awesome designs in the water as it fell, and yet, it dried up as fast as it fell. The artistry of the designers and directors continues its brilliance despite many of the acts being ones that we have seen for some 30 plus years.

While many of the acts are ones we have witnessed over the years, some of the traditional disciplines have been changed to meet the desires of the modern audiences. It seems the “millenniums” demand more (yet without being able to use their I-anything). I was impressed by the hoop diving, Rudolf Janecek’s award -winning juggling, despite a mishap (which may be done as part of his act, just so he can re-do it and enjoy success), Aleksei Goloborodko’s contortions are more than unbelievable (hard to think a body can bend where he bends), and the clown, Eric Fool Koller who manages to get the laughs between major numbers.

This “Cirque” has some new ideas with a swing instead of the old teeter-totter for jumps and of course the use of puppets to represent animals. The poles have replaced the stacking chairs of yore and the straps, the silks. This amazing cast of acrobats, gymnasts and other performers will certainly hold your attention and at times you will find yourself yelling for more. They will give you more! FYI- the music is real and live, with performers from the US, Mexico, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, (the”swing to swing” people are mostly Russian and Ukrainian), Poland, Canada, Netherlands, Guinea, France, Czech Republic , United Kingdom and even Spain. Some are listed as “transition” which means they are in the middle of changing homelands (for one reason or another).

“Luzia will continue under the Grand Chapiteau located in parking lot K at The United Center thru September 3rd with performances as follows:

Tuesdays  8 p.m.

Wednesdays  8 p.m.

Thursdays  8 p.m.

Fridays  4:30 p.m. and  8 p.m.

Saturdays  4:30 p.m. and 8 p.m.

Sundays  1:30 p.m. and  5 p.m.

running time is about two hours and 20 minutes with a 25 minute intermission (to sell souvenirs, I am sure)

Tickets start at $35 but they have all types of special seating with backstage and family packages. check out www.cirquedusoleil.com/luzia


To see what others are saying, visit www.theatreinchicago.com, go to Review Round-Up and click at “Cirque du Soleil Luzia”

Parking in the area of the United Center is around $25 and up, so I suggest using public transportation or UBER.