**** Have you ever been “fixed-up” with someone? Have you ever met someone online for a dating experience? What can possibly go wrong? In Rebecca Gilman’s thriller “Boy Gets Girls”, we learn of the many things that can possibly happen to us, no matter who we are. In this story, we meet Theresa Bedell ( played to perfection by Olivia Winters) a magazine writer who has been set-up with a friend of a friend, Tony ( Colton Schied) who has just moved to New York. They meet for a drink in the very first scene of this taught little thriller sharply directed by Steve Scott.
What appears to be a casual meeting of Boy (Tony) meeting Girl (Theresa) turns out to be the start of a story that involves stalking and violence, as well as some very scary moments. While, we the audience never witness actual violence on the stage , we are aware of the relationship between the Boy and the Girl that involves the co-workers and the police.Theresa’s boss, Howard (Vincent P. Mahler) and a co-worker, Mercer ( deftly handled by Nat Kier) as well as new employee, Harriet (Carly Renee Davis) all see what is transpiring and how it has altered the life of Theresa.
The other two characters in the play are Les Kennkat, a movie maker who Theresa has to interview, By the way, his scenes involve some personality traits that also have a powerful effect on Theresa’s life and beliefs. The last character is the police detective, Detective Beck ( Kimmy Higginbottham “nails it”) assigned to help Theresa get through this. If you are a “Law & Order SVU” watcher, you know that in many instances even with all the laws written, you are at the mercy of what can be done legally. In this particular case, even with the law, we find that Theresa’s life is upside down because of Tony’s belief that he deserves her attention and love.
This story will hold your interest as it goes from scene to scene with some great music between scenes. These are pop tunes of the times that tend to be mood setting of the scene just witnessed. The set designed by Wayne Mell, allows us to have three different onstage areas as well as Theresa’s apartment. The Skokie Theatre is a small venue with a stage that is not huge, but they have made it work with 4 different and unique areas for the action. The lighting (Pat Henderson) and costumes (Wendy Kaplan) are perfect and the props (Debra Criche Mell) and sound (Brian Bedoya) as well as the intimacy direction (Christa Retka) are all right on!
This is a mystery/thriller, so understand that the story needs to build and build. What starts off a bit slow, will grow in pace and action as Gilman brings more information to us. I must say that Winters is quite strong and pretty much carries the heavy load in this one. Again, if you enjoy a mystery, this is one that will get to you. While you might hope for the ending to be something you are thinking about, Gilman will surprise you and give you the logical ending that will make sense when you think about it on the way home.
“Boy Gets Girl” will continue thru – Nov 24th with performances as follows:

Price: $38-$42
Show Type: Drama
Box Office: 847-677-7761
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