Highly Recommended ***** Sitting before the keyboard, my thoughts are assembling as to how one can present all of what transpired in the Goodman Theatre’s Chicago Premiere of “Bernhardt/Hamlet” written by Theresa Rebeck. How many will understand the beauty of the comedy that is on the stage of The Albert Theatre? For those of you unfamiliar with Sarah Bernhardt ( played to perfection by Terri McMahon), she was an actress , probably the finest of her time. beloved by all. and loved by many. This was the late 1800’s leading into the early 1900’s. This leading lady was tired of playing the parts that she was offered and as aging set in, the roles she wanted disappeared.
Why can’t a woman play a role that is played by men? For example, “Hamlet”? Shakespeare’s plays had men cross dressing and playing women, why not the opposite? Those of you who attend theater on a regular basis know that today “gender casting” is the rage. Looking at history, it seems that Sarah Bernhardt was the first to do this as well. This is a slick “backstage comedy” with a wonderful set by Narelle Sissons. We are truly on a stage and with a few items moved here and there, a dressing room , a library and an office. Very cleverly done allowing a two-and-a-half hour play to seem much quicker.( never a dull moment).
Directed by Donna Feore with a cast of players that is amazing, this story is designed so the audience is indeed the “fly on the wall” backstage as Ms. Bernhardt works on her role of a lifetime. We also get to meet her lover, Edmond Rostand ( brilliantly played by John Tufts). Rostand was a writer of poetry as well. During the story we see him write a play that many know ,”Cyrano DeBergerac”, and we even get to see a scene from that play with Larry Yando playing Cyrano ( this scene is one of my favorites). I belive in reality that Rostand did write a play for his love, but not “Cyrano”.
Yando also plays Constaint, an actor/director who is assisting Bernhardt with the character of “Hamlet”, a role he has done four times! The other cast members are: Nate Cheeseman as Raoul and Travis Turner as Francois ( actors who play Rosencrantz and Guildenstern), Chicago favorite William Dick as theater critic Louis Lamercier ( there are many clever lines about critics which on opening night, with an audience filled with critics garnered many laughs), Luigi Sottile as Bernhardt’s son Maurice, Jennifer Latimore as Mrs Rostand, Thomas J. Cox, Amira Danan,Volen Iliev,Park Krausen, and Gregory Linington as Alphone Mucha. A well-oiled cast of layers that keeps this story on track from start to finish.
Ms Bernhardt was known as a “Prima Dona” , a “Diva” and did in fact open her own theater where she did in fact bring her own “Hamlet” to the stage. Nonetheless, she was a marvelous talent that the audiences loved. This story is one that will make you smile for sure, laugh out loud in other areas and even open your eyes to some basic insights into how our world differed back in time. Or did it? This is a funny, well written play that is directed to perfection. I would place on my MUST SEE list, for sure!
On the technical side, the lighting (Robert Wierzel) and sound (Joanna Lynne Staub, who also did the original music) are about as perfect as one can get. The costumes (Dana Osborne) are divine and while no one is credited in the program, the prop master did a great job.
“Bernhardt/Hamlet” will continue at The Goodman Theatre located at 170 N. Dearborn Street thru October 20th with performances as follows:
Thursdays 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Fridays 8P.m.
Saturdays 2 p.m. and 8 .m.
Sundays 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. ( no evening performance on the 20th)
Wednesday, October 2nd, there will be a 7:30 p.m. performance
There are many special events including the “Drinks/Discussion: stay after, enjoy a complimentary glass of wine and discussion led by a member of the Goodman’s Artistic Team- visit www.GoodmanTheatre.org/DrinksDiscussion
Touch Tour October 12th at 12:30 noon
Audio Described Performance October 12th 2 p.m.
ASL Interpreted October 16th at 7:30 p.m.
Tickets for this show range from $20-$80 and can be purchased at the box office, by calling 312-443-3800 or online at www.GoodmanTheatre.org
To see what others are saying, visit www.theatreinchicago.com, go to Review Round-Up and click at “Bernhardt/Hamlet”.
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