March 3, 2025

“Ain’t Misbehavin’ “

**** It has been almost 10 years since a production of “Ain’t Misbehavin’ has been produced in the Chicago area. In fact, both the 2014 and 2015 productions were done at Porchlight Music Theatre, back on their Belmont Avenue stage, so seeing this musical revue celebrating the music of Fats Waller, on a large stage at Drury Lane Theatre gives one a larger look at a man who was “larger than life”.
Directed by E. Faye Butler, this musical show, done in two acts, is indeed a celebration of the music of Thomas “Fats” Waller and the music of his day. There is no actual story, but more of a history about an area of Chicago, Bronzeville on the south side and the vibrant music of the era. The original production with a book by Murray Horwaitz and Richard Maltby , Jr. took place in New York in places like the Cotton Club and the Savoy Ballroom. This production is closer to home. The music (over 26 musical pieces) that is covered are the tunes that made Waller who he was and the cast that Butler has assembled is certainly up to the task.
Leading off playing Waller is Lorenzo Rush Junior, who has played this role before, but he appears to be even stronger now than when I previously saw him. He is one solid performer who can play the audience to perfection. His “Your Feets Too Big” is a stitch. Sharriese Y. Hamilton, another veteran of the Porchlight production is a dynamite performer and when she does “Mean To Me”, you will feel the depth of her emotion. James T. Lane is the other male performer in this revue and he is quite the dancer. When he and Rush do “Fat and Greasy” you will see just how special his talents are. Alanna Lovely has a powerful voice and is quite the dancer as she does songs like “Yacht Club Swing” and “Keeping Out Of Mischief Now”. Rounding out the cast is the amazing Alexis J. Roston, who continues to prove that great things come in small packages. She is a powerhouse with “Squeese Me”, and in her duet with Sharriese, ” Find Out What They Like”.
The songs are terrific, starting off the evening with the title song, “Ain’t Misbehavin’ ” and finishing with a finale composed of  six songs; “I’m Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself A LetterZ”, “Two Sleepy People”, “I’ve Got My Fingers Crossed”, “I Can’t Give You Anything But Love”, “It’s A Sin To Tell A Lie” and “Honeysuckle Rose” to end this  two hours and ten minutes ( including a 20 minute intermission) trip to Bronzeville.
The Drury Lane Orchestra, led by William Foster McDaniel is superb and never leaves the stage. During the Finale, the cast pays a special tribute to them ( well deserved) and it is a brilliant way to include these musicians who make it happen. McDaniel is also the music director. The choreography is handled by MzFlo Walker-Harris, and while there is not a great deal of dance, what we see is special and fits the story. The costumes (McKinley Johnson) are of the era and the props (Cassie Schillo) right on target. The lighting (Lee Fiskness) and sound (Stephanie Farina) are flawless and the hair and wig design (Kevin S. Foster II) were spot on!
“Ain’t Misbehavin’ ” will continue thru August 18th with performances as follows:
Tuesday  July 2nd  7:00pm
Wednesdays      1:30pm ( on July 3rd there is also a 7 p.m. performance)
Thursdays          1:30pm & 7:00pm  (No Performance on July 4th)
Fridays               7:00pm
Saturdays          3:00pm & 8:00pm
Sundays             2:00pm & 6:00pm

Show Type: Musical

Box Office: 630-530-0111

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