March 3, 2025

“A Kind of Love Story”


[rating=2]” You cannot make a silk purse from a sow’s ear”. This is something I have heard for many a year. I must say that Keith Gerth and his cast of actors at The Oil Lamp Theater, truly gave it a shot, but, “A Kind of Love Story” Jenelle Riley’s little play that combines almost every romantic comedy ever, is just not the script that gets the job done. While she tries to capture the “When Harry Met Sally” meets “Sleepless in Seattle” meets “Family Man”, somewhere she turned against the grain. Gerth and company did the best they could with the material.

The story involves two young people, the boy, Mark ( Kyle Quinlivan) and the girl , Ally ( solidly played by Rachel Silvert) and how they are the perfect “soul mates” but somehow have never met. The story is told by a narrator (Rob Weinstein tries to make the real world and the theatrical world meet) who pops in and out between scenes as if he is on a trampoline. The play is designed to show us how despite this couple being perfect for each other, everyone in their lives is the reason that they never meet. Until the very end. OOPS- spoiler alert! You knew that was coming anyway, didn’t you?

Like all of the film romances, these young people are destined to be together and it takes us two hours plus to get there ( with one 10 minute intermission). I think Riley might consider chopping this down to a 100 minute play with no break and the story could be more convincing. Mark is in love with his best friend’s wife. Ally is looking for love in all the wrong places and allows her terrible boyfriend ( Travis Monroe Neese plays raunchy to perfection) to keep abusing her. Ally has a roommate, Lucy ( Jaclyn Renae Jensen) who is stuck-up, snobby, beautiful and a true slut. She always gets the guy ( until the final scene, when all things come to an ending that will surprise some of the audience members).

Anyone who has been at the delightful and charming Oil Lamp Theater, located at 1723 Glenview Road in downtown Glenview, knows the space is intimate and the stage small. Having as many actors as this in a production is a genuine challenge for the director and stage manager (Bronte DeShong works her magic offstage).  Gerth knows his stage and limitations, and despite the script being one with many holes, brings us a story that allows us to have some laughs and to think about life for young people in today’s world. This story is about the challenges that face our youth growing up, yesterday and today. In all probability, in the future as well.

The rest of the cast members, who take on many roles are Lydia Hiller, Sharon Kushiner, Jared Sheldon ( who truly gets to show his range in the roles he takes on) Matthew Torres and Elizabeth Stenholt.

There is some material that may be offensive for some and the subject matter may not be one for all tastes.

“A Kind of Love Story” will continue Thru – Sep 8, 2019 with performances as follows:


Thursdays: 8:00pm
Fridays: 8:00pm
Saturdays: 3:00pm & 8:00pm
Sundays: 3:00pm
Come early and watch some great videos of romantic movies of yore. Well done and at The Oil Lamp, snacks are available as well as BYOB- they will pour for you


Box Office: 847-834-0738

Tickets are $40

Plenty of free parking

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