Okay, you theater lovers! How would you like to watch some history being made. I am sure you know that...
Recommended Storefront theater in Chicago is alive and kicking and while some of our storefronts are in reality old factories,...
A big show in a little space! Every theater company, at one time or another looks at a script that...
How do people react when tragedy strikes their town? How, can it be, in this day and age, that people...
Highly Recommended I love farce! In particular, one that is well done, and the new Sarah Ruhl comedy, commissioned by...
Get ready! "Glee" the American musical comedy series that has thrilled television audiences on Fox since 2009 is on the...
Recommended Many local area theater-goers, over the years have witnessed the zany comedy of 500 Clown, a mixture of story...
Highly Recommended American Blues Theater Ensemble produces stories about working people, for the most part "blue collar" types and in...
★★★★★ One of the newer theater companies in Chicago, Route 66 Theatre Company produces theater that explores risk and embraces...
Highly Recommended While many of us have seen versions of "Peter Pan", from the cartoon by Disney to the Mary...