Over the years, around the holiday time, Victory Gardens Theatre has been presenting a version of "The Snow Queen" that...
When one hears the name "Tom Jones", one either thinks about the famous eating scene in the romantic novel/movie of...
they see and feel is of great importance to you, the reader. Adam has been attending plays with me since...
On a very cold January night, with the fear of snow and more snow heading our way, escape is what...
Live theater is special! That is something that all of us must agree on. Each and every production is unique...
Buying one's first house is more than just "moving up". To many, it is a true sign of adulthood and...
Converting a film classic to a play is not always as easy as it appears to be, and if you...
The drive to downtown Aurora gets shorter every time I head out to the Luxurious Paramount Theatre. The current production...
As you know from reading my reviews and articles, I am always "for" the new theater companies and hope against...
Writers Theatre, that little jewel in the North Shore's "downtown" Glencoe, just keeps bringing us quality theater, show after show,...