Presented through special arrangement with Perfect Pitch Musicals Directed by Jeff Casey Musical Direction by Elizabeth Tuazon Rated PG-13 (Adult...
Big Deal Productions is preparing their upcoming Summer musical, "Catch Me If You Can, The Musical". This is the large...
Highly Recommended **** Many of you know that I have become somewhat enamored over a small "storefront" located in downtown...
The reports of the demise of Santa's Village are wrong, wrong, wrong! Not only is this historic landmark alive and...
Over the years, with all of today's technology, the Internet has become a great way for businesses to reach the...
★★★★★ Often I am asked “How can you watch a show you have already seen?” Live theater is not like...
Highly Recommended ***** One of my all-time favorite musicals, "Man Of La Mancha" with a book by Dale Wasserman, Lyrics...
Recommended **** The first time I saw “This” (it was Theater Wit first production back in 2011), I wrote that...
Highly Recommended **** It didn’t take long to realize why Abby McEnany is considered to be a very unique performer...
Highly Recommended **** Not being a part of the "scene", and having moved to the suburbs, we do not get...