Interrobang Theatre Project has had a very good year. The third and final show of their eighth season, Craig Wright's...
Seven talented story-tellers, each telling a story, followed by an original song ( performed by a 10 piece band) is...
Trauma! How to deal with it! When do we know that the experiences we have had are in fact traumatic?...
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was controversial, loved by his supporters and considered a monster by his distractors. His interpretation...
Highly Recommended ***** Parenthood! Everyone has their idea ( and ideals) of what the perfect parent should be. Most men,...
Over the years, viewing plays about dysfunctional families has become almost expected, but tonight, at Writers Theatre, we got to...
For years, growing up, every gas station ( and they were on every corner, or so it seems) was also...
Highly Recommended **** The Goodman Theatre is known for a great mix of plays on their stages. Many of them...
There are a great number of Black Ensemble Theater fans who come more for the music than the story. For...
Highly Recommended **** Several years ago, I was able to watch a piece written by the Ephron women, Delia and...