Currently premiering at the Ryan Opera Theater at Northwestern University is “Dog Days,” the first collaborative effort between Northwestern’s Institute...
Names like Disney and Cameron Mackintosh ring like a cash register when it comes to musical theater. Disney is of...
“Waiting for Godot” is funny, maybe. It’s sad, maybe. It’s not totally dark but is far from light. Above all,...
Try thinking a mixture of" Chicago Blues" and "Sounds of South Africa" and a cast that includes 9 men who...
The audience gasps in shock as Giovanni bashes Masetto’s head against a wall and pulls a gun on him. It’s...
Since the 1970s, Nicholas Rudall has produced many engaging performances of classical drama at the University of Chicago’s Court Theatre. ...
**** Highly Recommended. Correct me if I’m mistaken, but there are few things in life that sound like more fun...
★★★★As “turkey Day” approaches, we are reminded that Christmas is very close. Not just by the pop-up ads on our...
***** There could be nothing greater for me than an evening of celebration of Stephen Sondheim! Tonight! Tonight, the Auditorium...
Highly Recommended **** Your children have heard about your adventures at one of the "escape rooms" that are popping up...