** “The Mad Ones”, directed by Wyatt Kent, is an energetic coming-of-age story largely told via operetta. Despite lovely singing...
***** There is nothing like a magical evening of entertainment and no better place than the Chicago Magic Lounge. For...
***** For many years, I was employed by LaRaza newspapers, and then Guia ( a weekly TV Guide in Spanish) and...
**** Strong acting is the hallmark of Pegasus Theatre’s “Dontrell, Who Kissed the Sea”, written by Nathan Alan Davis and...
***** It is always a treat to be invited to a World Premiere, but in the case of American Blues...
*** "The Swan," written by Elizabeth Egloff and presented by Theatre L'Acadie, is a thought-provoking production that has garnered attention...
***** When one hears the title of the play written by Richard Greenblatt and Ted Dykstra, "2 Pianos 4 Hands", they...
**** If you are a fan of "Dancing with the Stars", you will find a little bit of heaven onstage at...
**** I haven't read the book or seen the film version, but today, I was witness to the new musical production...
**** It has been almost 10 years since a production of "Ain't Misbehavin' has been produced in the Chicago area....