Over the years, I have seen several incarnations of the brilliant "theater art" production of "Lookingglass Alice", adapted from the...
“Notes and Letters” is a four-character musical, centered around the lives of two couples who live in Chicago between 1916...
Euripides’s Medea is a tragic protagonist who is difficult to even call a “hero” but whose pain and fury has...
There are times one sees a production where the performances are wonderful, the direction is perfection and the experience, one...
Timing in life can be crucial! When the "pandemic" hit, I had just worked out an arrangement with a fairly...
A funny thing happened on the way to the theater tonight. It turns out most of the reviewers who were...
Music lovers generally have some familiarity with the works of Franz Joseph Haydn. But for all these years, where was...
Have you ever found a penny and thought that "today is your lucky day"? I know I have and have...
Annabel Armour beautifully portrays Joan Didion in this one-woman show “The Year of Magical Thinking.” The story is about an...
Get carried away! It is Chicago Cabaret week and some of the finest area performers will be doing their thing...