About a week ago, my friend Barry who spends his winters in sunny Florida, watched a documentary film on Amazon...
“Grandma’s Jukebox” is a charm! The point of this cute story is that a grandmother’s legacy can live long beyond...
Porchlight Music Theatre is proud to announce the return of its FREE concert series, "Broadway in Your backyard". This is...
GARLAND & GLITTER A Judy Garland review Starring Noelle Lesniak, Mark Burnell, Kent Minor, Geoffrey Lowe, Larry Ortega!!! Celebrating the...
The world is opening again! It has been a long time since we have been to Chicago's Number One Attraction,...
Something got lost in the translation of “Lorca, Living the Experience”, a theatrical show dramatized in Spanish with English titles....
As one who has been involved with shelters for battered women, I was impressed by the beautiful story as told...
I graduated high school in June of 1960. At the same time, a group of young men in Detroit were...
**** Recommended Each of the plays in August Wilson’s ten-play Pittsburgh Cycle, which chronicles African-American experiences, is set in a...
Here we are, approaching Memorial Day week-end, Summer is here at last. Our Spring has been a roller coaster ride...