I grew up shopping at the area known as “Six Corners” ( Milwaukee/Irving /Cicero. This was one of many “six corner intersections” in Chicago, but by far the largest, with the number 1 Sears store.. Filament Theatre, one of our young vibrant ensembles is moving into Six Corners and they are heard at work completing the space located in this historic neighborhood. As a way of exploring the history and getting to know their neighbors, they will be hosting a special program,” A Neighborhood Heritage Project” on February 22nd,23rd and 24th in their new home. Through interviews with past and current residents,archived news articles and discussions with local historians, Filament has devised an original play about “Six Corners”, called “Crossing Six Corners”.
Artistic Director, Julie Ritchey says” the project has turned out to be a true collaboration between Filament and the community”. Residents have shown great excitement in being involved and to share neighborhood stories. Presented in a series of scenes,monologues and original songs , “Crossing Six Corners” was adapted and directed by Ms Ritchey and features their ensemble members and many guest artists from the Chicago theater scene.
There is a great deal of history in this area of Portage Park- the Historic Portage Movie Theater, Fantasy Costumes, The number 1 Sears store, the old Klee Building that has been upgraded and made into housing. The history includes the bungalows of Portage Park, the immigration changes- once a Polish clientele, then Hispanic and now a mixture of young people coming into a new vibrancy for today. This is an area that is coming back and will always be an area of strength.
I, myself, worked in the area at Bernard’s Men’s Wear, for many years while in college ( the 1960’s) and saw how strong this area was. All the stores were filled, restaurants galors and day or night the humming of happy shoppers. I also saw the are go down at the end of last century and it is with warmth in my heart that I see the vibrancy of a community band together and make it all come back to life.
Once again, the dates: February 22nd,23rd( 7:30 p.m.) and 24th at Filament Theatre, located at 4041 N. Milwaukee Avenue in Chicago.
Admission is FREE ( but donations would be gratefully accepted)
For info, call 773-270-1660 or online www.filamenttheatre.org
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