February 24, 2025

Richard Christiansen

Theater in Chicago is what it is due to the love and work on one Richard Christiansen, head critic for the Chicago Tribune ( who also handled film) from 1978 until 2002. For over 24 years in this position, but prior to that, from 1957 to 1978 he had handled this job for the Chicago Daily News. Yes, at one time, Chicago had four daily newspapers. The Sun-Times also owned the Daily News and The Tribune also had the Daily Herald. When the Daily News closed, Richard went directly to the Tribune where he remained until retirement. He was instrumental in helping many of the smaller theaters grow, as he would take the time to view and review their productions.

Even after retirement, Richard would still take his place “on the aisle” at our theaters on opening night. Even though he was not there as a reviewer, he still had his pen in hand ready to note things of importance for himself and others. He always had a smile and a kind word and had many great stories about the Chicago theater scene. His book, “A Theater of Our Own: A History and a memoir of 1,001 Nights in Chicago” is the perfect read for any theater buff. He will be missed by his fellow reviewers and when we go to a show at Victory Gardens and walk up the stairs to their Richard Christiansen Studio Theatre, I know I will think of him sitting on the aisle, pen in hand, notebook on his lap, smiling from ear to ear.

God Bless you Richard!