March 4, 2025

“Covid 19” weight gain?

The pandemic that we know as Covid 19 had brought many of us to realize that life must change! Many of you have lost their jobs and have become at-home adults, feeling like little kids, trapped! During our stay-at-home months, many of us have turned to food to take our mind off the numbers of those who have caught this virus and those who have passed. Think about it! Your home 24/seven, watching a lot of TV and movies. You are not meeting anyone or even speaking with anyone, so one little snack just couldn’t hurt. Could it? Each of those little snacks adds calories to your body and as the days go on ( and they do) so does the weight. Will there be an end to all this?

The truth of the matter is, we do not know how long this pandemic will keep us locked in. Jane and I have been over this for months. FYI- I have been more under control than she and during this period, all of the weight we lost several years ago on the Ideal Protein Diet Plan has started to come back. Those of you who have been reading this column for years know that the beauty of the diet program was that it was NOT just a typical weight loss program. Ideal Protein is in fact a transformation of eating habits and one where your mind is not only scale number focused.

The program is designed to make you more patient, improve your  stress management process, your self-image, your confidence, memory skills, and in fact your over-all general mood. With your coach, one cultivates a healthier look at the food one eats, learns more about nutrition, learns how to incorporate carbs and sugar without losing control, and in general learn about making the proper choices that will keep you healthy and at the same time satisfy your hunger.

When we did the program previously, I did the maintenance program, and Jane did not. Understand though, during the period following our venture, she had three major surgeries, so , trying to continue during this period would have become a major burden. Now that her surgeries are done, it is the perfect time to get back on the train and arrive at her destination- reaching the lifestyle through Ideal Protein that she interrupted back then.

We now live in Wheeling and found that Ideal Protein has an office only 15 minutes away. The office is at 1655 N. Arlington Heights Road in Arlington Heights. It is called Absolute Health Clinic, SC and we met with Dr. Dimitry Likterev and his staff today to get the ball rolling.

Jane went through the initial meeting with the Doc and his staff in order to set her personal goals. They measured her and took all the numbers. While the numbers today are not the key, we are used to using guidelines and so they are down. As the program goes on, we will know the changes and watch Jane transform from Covid 19 Jane to Jane! I am looking forward to watching this all take place.

Week one starts tomorrow and we know that the first week is that of easing into Ketosis. Schedules change and snack foods must be tossed ( or donated) so that temptation is removed. She has been advise that there is still some “sugar in her tank” making the first day one of the hardest. A great deal of water will help and one of the great features of the program is  salad greens and fat-free broths are all okay. Part of the program is the positive mental attitude one must take. ” I can do this”! and “I will do this” should be said as often as possible.

We are now ready to start the Ideal Protein Program- “second time around”. FYI- I am here for support and will keep you advised both here and on “aroundthetownchicago- live on WCPT820 radio Sundays at 2 p.m.

To learn more about Absolute Health Clinic, S.C. visit or call 847-870-8955

The first morning, before dining Jane took some vitamins that are part of the “start-up”. Cal-Mag and others. These are an important part of the transition she is about to embark on.

While the office is known as  Absolute Health Clinic, they are also referred to as My Absolute Body ( ). This site features the Ideal Protein program and even shows you some of the delicious meals that are a part of it. It is not limited to bagged or boxed items. Take a close look and you will see the healthy eating that is part of the program.

We are on our way, or should I say, Go to it Jane!!!