We all know that we are living in a sort of “Twilight Zone” situation. In fact, every day when I watch those in power stand before us detailing what is happening regards to the “Covid19” situation, I keep looking for Rod Serling to appear in the background, then step forward and then tell us that this has all been a pilot for a new television show. The truth is, we will not find the late Mr. Serling on the stage and we are living a nightmare that I am in hopes will come to an end in the very near future.
Meanwhile, there are many great people who are stepping forward to help us through this period in our lives. The doctors and nurses and other employees of the hospitals are working long hours under great pressure to help those who are in need of medical attention and to ease the pain of those who have lost a love done.
What can we do for them? Well one great story is that of Max’s Deli in Highland Park. Joey Morelli has been making and passing out hundreds of surgical masked cookies ( replacing his smile face that has been a best seller for years) to the hospital workers in the community along with lunches and inners that his restaurant has been donating. Now, to help ease some of the financial burden, he is offering the cookies to anyone who wants t purchase them ( they range from $2) and the proceeds will go into the feed the front-liners program.
Max’s Deli is located at 191 Skokie Valley Road in Highland Park ( just North of Lake Cook Road) and they are open as follows:
Monday -Saturday 7 a.m.- 8:30 p.m.
Sundays are now the same.
Since this is the era of “covid-19” there is no dine in, but curbside delivery is available and knowing Joey, the restaurant is as spotless as the hospital. Phone 847-831-0600or visit www.maxs-deli.com
They have stepped up to the plate to make life better for those who are making lives better ( or saving them), so buy a few cookies and help those who are helping the community. Make the “Cookie Monster” happy!
We are fortunate, to have good people, like Joey, in our midst. My daughter is an R. N., working 12/14 hour shifts, caring for Covid-19 patients. They need more people like Joey.