The anticipated Spike Lee film, “Chiraq” has started filming in and around the city of Chicago, and it appears that they have added a hyphen to put some space between the CHI and the RAQ, thus allowing some of the pressure to be eased. As many of you know, when it was announced that Lee was going to bring this film to our streets, many were upset over the comparison to the war zones of Iraq in ours, the third largest city in the United States, the “hometown” of our President, and one of the greatest cities in the world.
ell the facts are that during this period of time, since the announcement and the film starting to shoot, many others decided to start the shooting on their own, without cameras and film, but rather with guns and semi automatic weapons. Lee is not trying to make Chicago angry! He is trying to get us to open our eyes, open our hearts and work together to rid our streets of the weapons of destruction to the people who make this city one that is so great.
I am on his side. Yet, I cannot get anyone from his “camp” to return a call so that I can sit down and interview him and let him tell us his actual ideas and thoughts. We hear many rumors. Those from his “camp” tell us that this film will in fact be a comedy based on the Greek tragedy “Lysistrata” where the women withheld sexual favors from their warriors until the killing stopped. Imagine, if you will, gang-bangers, being told that if they put away the guns, they will be happy, but if not, they get “nothing”!
I am pleading to bring the case of Spike Lee and his movie to our readers. I want to tell his story! I am pleading to tell his story! Only he can relay what it is he wants to say. Meanwhile, there are all types of illustrations with “Chiraq” and “Chi-Raq” artwork. They have even redesigned the Cubs and Blackhawk logos to illustrate this title being abused. Take a look at the new skyline- it is deadly!
Come on Spike and your people, let’s talk!
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