Blue Man Group, the international entertainment phenomenon is looking for a few Blue Men-
An open casting call is scheduled for Tuesday,April19th from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at The Briar Street Theatre located at 3133 N. Halsted street.
Needed: talented performers who are trained actors, rock musicians with the agility to dance. Once cast, and trained, they will have the opportunity to perform in one of the many productions in either Chicago,Boston,New York,Las Vegas,Ontario, Berlin,Tokyo or in one of the touring companies. Perhaps even on the new Norwegian Epic.
What does it take to be a Blue Man?
no ego
bring nothing but your resume, your talent and enthusiasm
height:between 5′ 10″ and 6′ 1″ ( athletic build)
Drumming Skills
willingness to relocate
Language is not a problem as the Blue Men speak only with ACTIONS, but it does help to understand English so they can tell you what they need and transform your skills to become the lovable Blue Man that is in your heart.
Briar Street Theatre- 3133 N. Halsted. April 19th 10 a.m.-4 p.m. NO CALLS-JUST SHOW UP ( and do not be afraid because there will be a crowd)
Let me know the outcome
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