HIGHLY RECOMMENDED **** Are you looking for a family-friendly musical that will also appeal to adults? Look no further than...
Theatre Reviews
Highly Recommended **** The Paramount Theatre in Aurora has done it again! Another musical production that is spellbinding and cast to...
Highly Recommended **** Billed as a “cult classic”, Tracy Letts' 1996 play “Bug” has been revived by the Steppenwolf Theatre,...
Highly Recommended **** It has been some time since Chicago had a Pre-Broadway" opening! Of course, the pandemic didn't help,...
Highly Recommended **** What if we all were on a time limit? How would our lives be changed or affected...
Highly Recommended ***** 21 months ago, I was scheduled to attend a new play, written by J. Nicole Brooks, a Lookingglass...
Highly Recommended *** 1/2 Sometimes the experience of a trauma can galvanize us into reexamining our assumptions and expectations. So...
Recommended *** The definition of CARNAGE means: Noun, the killing of a large number of people. This takes the...
Highly Recommended **** Every time I go to the theater, I’m reminded of another reason I love going to the...
Highly Recommended ***** Theatre is a visual medium: this production of The Magic Flute is quite decisive about that. Originally...