Highly Recommended **** As an English teacher, I can’t help but wonder whether Ernest Shackleton Loves Me is the result...
Theatre Reviews
Recommended *** I am very happy that The Apollo Theater on Lincoln Avenue is "open for business". I always loved the...
Recommended *** There is a saying that in a two-act play, the first act introduces the characters, but the second...
Recommended *** Try to imagine what life might be 400 plus years from now! It is a difficult job indeed. Possibly...
Somewhat Recommended ** If you are planning to visit the CBIC Theatre ( formerly the Shubert Theatre) to see one of...
3-1/2 stars, highly recommended Black Button Eyes Production of “Mary Rose: A World Premiere Musical” is a pleasant revival of...
This is an unusual review. Jane had surgery last week and we were unable to attend the opening night performance...
Highly Recommended 3.666666667! ( Okay- so it's a wrong number ) What could go wrong with a play entitled “The...
Highly Recommended **** After the last 18 months PLUS, we are all desperately need of! laughter. Writer's Theatre in Glencoe is...
Recommended *** How many times have you gone to a magic show determined to figure it out? How many...