For Shakespeare aficionados, Promethean Theatre Ensemble has done a tremendous job in their performance of William Shakespeare’s “Richard III” at...
Theatre Reviews
Light and Sound Productions’ world premiere of “Seven Days at Sea” tells the story of five lesbian women on board...
A superior musical has taken the Chicago stage by storm! Teatro Vista’s “Somewhere Over the Border” is a world premier...
There are many theater people who do not even know that there is a wonderful theater in Glenview. Oil Lamp...
Almost every student in schools throughout the United States has read Harper Lee's "To Kill A Mockingbird". I believe it...
Mia Kang excels in the role of Afong Moy in Lloyd Suh’s acclaimed play “The Chinese Lady.” Based on a...
A "Fiddler on the Roof"; sounds crazy , no? but for 62 years, this musical story of the Shalom Alechem...
It has been sometime since I last saw a production of Edward Albee's "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?", and I...
How do we form bonds and connect in uncertain times? What role should artificial intelligence play in our lives? To...
Over the years, I have seen several incarnations of the brilliant "theater art" production of "Lookingglass Alice", adapted from the...