“Ends” by David Alex is a character study of two men from widely diverse backgrounds and experiences, who grudgingly form...
Theatre Reviews
I was born in 1942- a war was in progress. Many of my relatives were off fighting for our country,...
Luis Carreon, “La Bestia”, is—as the Spanish word means—the beast. He’s not only the beast but the best! Talented, convincing,...
There are times when posting a rating with a review is a difficult task. It is my job o advise...
Over the many years I have been reviewing theater, I have probably seen over 15 different and unique productions of...
“Playboy of the Western World” is more of a historical piece than anything else. If you take an interest in...
Try to imagine an X Rated Sesame Street! In reality, that is pretty much what "Avenue Q The Musical" is...
August Wilson has brought some amazing stories to the stages of America. His works explore the heritage of the African-American...
Great acting and impressive choreography cannot save the play “Marie Antoinette and the Magical Negroes”, written and directed by Terry...
What is it about David Cerda, every show he does, is top notch, full of surprises, and always makes the...