There is a theater company in town that works with puppets. Not ordinary puppets, but special puppets that are watched...
Theatre Reviews
Christmas is here! At least as far as the theater scene. Titles like "A Christmas Carol", "Elf -The Musical" "A...
Recommended If you’re looking for some adults-only holiday cheer and a raucous good time, head for Theater Wit and the...
Probably one of the greatest musicals ever written, people still clamor for the opportunity to be witness to this amazing...
American Blues Theater has outdone itself in this year’s radio version of the iconic 1946 Frank Capra film “It’s a...
It's holiday time and we all need a release and some laughter. It is a time for family! A time...
rating=5] The holidays are here! While you may not be able to tell from the weather we are enjoying, you...
Chicago was very fortunate this evening. We got the opportunity to watch the fabulous Frank Ferrante's one man show ,"Groucho"...
To quote Uncle Eddie from National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (because ‘tis the season), “This is just a real nice surprise.”...
Another World Premiere has hit a Chicago stage. This time at The Den Theatre as part of the season for...