Making a musical, "rock" or otherwise using the Bible as your source is not an easy task for a writer,...
Theatre Reviews
It is always a treat to see a David Bell show. His direction and choreography is top notch and when...
There is something special about a theater company putting on a true "farce" and Tom Stoppard's "The Real Inspector Hound"...
When it comes to Musicals, there is nothing like the old classics- the works of Rodgers and Hammerstein being among...
The beauty of our storefront theaters is that we get to see some great theater at very low cost. Idle...
Try to imagine the days before the Internet, the days when gossip columns were a selling point in the newspaper...
A new local theater ( if one can call Waukegan local) has come to life. The Clockwise Theatre Company of...
Piven Theatre Workshop is known for giving us thought provoking stories and their latest production, the Chicago premiere of Sarah...
The long awaited National Tour of "Shrek the Musical" has hit Chicago and with an explosive production that will keep...
I have always felt that if one can get kids to the theater at a young age, they will learn...