Recommended Many local area theater-goers, over the years have witnessed the zany comedy of 500 Clown, a mixture of story...
Theatre Reviews
Highly Recommended American Blues Theater Ensemble produces stories about working people, for the most part "blue collar" types and in...
★★★★★ One of the newer theater companies in Chicago, Route 66 Theatre Company produces theater that explores risk and embraces...
Highly Recommended While many of us have seen versions of "Peter Pan", from the cartoon by Disney to the Mary...
Self Discovery! Every teenager reaches a point in their life as they hit puberty when they start "coming of age"....
For those of you who are unfamiliar with the original "Grease", long before the movie version- American Theater Company has...
Nuns! Nuns! Just how many shows can Dan Goggin's create using Nuns as his featured characters? I guess the answer...
Most of us, those that attend a great deal of professional theater in Chicago and surrounding area are used to...
I am a Sondheim "fanatic"! There I said it! Now you will know that each of his musicals, the winners...
Highly Recommended We have all heard the saying "Good things come in small packages" and I for one have seen...