Highly Recommended**** Seeing as many plays as I do each year, many oldies that are done over and over and...
Theatre Reviews
Traditions! Our lives are filled with traditions for almost everything we do or celebrate. Theater has its traditions as well....
Highly Recommended**** While Broadway has a "new" revival of "Annie", the rags to riches musical that hits us in our...
Highly Recommended **** Marriott Theatre for Young Audiences has developed a program that opens live theater to future audiences. Their...
Recommended***During this time of the year, many of our local theaters bring us tradidional holiday fare, shows they do every...
The holiday season is here, and with it comes the Holiday shows. For the most part, we are asked to...
For the many years I have attended The Next Theatre Company in Evanston, I have found their work to be...
Can you imagine learning all about the seven "harry Potter" books in just 70 minutes of time? Well, that is...
Many people remember the musical entertainment "Forever Plaid" , the story about a singing quartet who was killed in an...
Recommended*** and perhaps to some **** There is nothing like a show with great tap dancing! There is nothing like...