Think back in time, to perhaps your high school days, a time when you and your "buddies" wanted to be...
Theatre Reviews
Highly Recommended ***Halloween is just a few weeks away, but if you want to “prime your pump” with chills, ghosts,...
Highly Recommended**** Northlight Theatre, a charming venue located in shadows of Old Orchard, in its history, selects plays that will promote...
Black Ensemble Theater has thrilled and educated audiences in Chicago for over 30 years. Their "mission" is to eradicate racism...
Pullman! There is a name you don't hear anymore. The Pullman company, located on the very south side of Chicago...
It is not often that one sees a play in development that is not ready for "prime time" , but...
Now, in its 31st season, Raven Theatre, located on the North side in what used to be a grocery store,...
Life was easy going and simple 60 years ago and America had begun our love affair with the automobile. We...
Recommended*** I must preface this particular review of Steppenwolf's, "The Wheel" by Zinnie Harris by saying this is NOT for everyone...
Recommended*** Theatre at The Center, in Munster has brought back one of the first "Rock Musicals" to hit Broadway, "Godspell"...