Highly Recommended**** Traditions! Traditions! Without our traditions, in particular, those in our local "theater Scene", our holiday season would be...
Theatre Reviews
Chicago theater audiences arein for something a little different at Black Ensemble Theater- not a show about a famous Black...
Highly Recommended***** It's that time of year- holiday shows at almost every theater in the city of Chicago and its...
Interpretation! That is what literature and theater are about! When we see plays, each reviewer posts what they say and...
It is not very often that one can transform a solid entertainment for the family from film to a live...
Highly Recommended ***** Tradition! This is of course, the famous opening number in "Fiddler on The Roof", but it is an...
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Here we are, almost Thanksgiving ( and this year Channukah , as...
As we head into the holiday season , with all its many holiday shows, it is nice to find a...
For what seems like "Forever", each Christmas season, Chicago is treated to the marvelous "A Christmas Carol" at The Goodman...
Silk Road Rising is one of my favorite troupes. Their venue is a church basement in the loop called Pierce...