It is always an experience to see a musical for the first time. Last night, the winner of eight Tony...
Theatre Reviews
Lookningglass Theatre Company is one of my favorite spots to view plays. They are a true "black box" where they...
While Urban Theater Company's Midwest premiere of Candido Tirado's "First Class" is supposed to be in New York, it could...
One of my priorities in reviewing productions around the Chicago area, is to make sure that those who want to...
Light Opera Works has done it again! They have put together a "cabaret" musical evening recognizing the works of one...
Hip Hop in Lake Forest? Yes, Hip Hop in Lake Forest!- leave it to Citadel Theatre Company to host the...
If one is looking to end their day on a "high note", to laugh and forget about all the negatives...
Think back in time, to perhaps your high school days, a time when you and your "buddies" wanted to be...
Highly Recommended ***Halloween is just a few weeks away, but if you want to “prime your pump” with chills, ghosts,...
Highly Recommended**** Northlight Theatre, a charming venue located in shadows of Old Orchard, in its history, selects plays that will promote...