Recommended *** In Penny Penniston’s play “Keys of The Kingdom” a fundamentalist minister, Ed (Don Bender), becomes convinced that a...
Theatre Reviews
Most of the people who attend area opening nights, reviewers and Jeff members, in particular if a comedy, know when...
It is not often that one can see Tennessee Williams' "The Rose Tattoo", his Tony Award classical love story, but...
It is often difficult to find the words to express the magic that can be presented in our world of...
Over the years, The Metropolis Performing Arts Center, or as many call it The Metropolis Theater, has not lived up...
Recommended *** Steven J. Spencer’s play “Push Button Murder” perhaps tries to do much. Its main thread is the work...
Recommended *** Last year, one of my reviewers, Mike Horn, made me aware of a theater company located on Glenview...
Recommended *** Chicago theater is moving further up the ladder towards world recognition. Producers know the value of the audiences...
Highly Recommended ***** Happy Holidays! TheoUbique, that sterling little Cabaret/Theater located in Rogers Park, has done it again. They have...
Recommended *** One of my favorite "storefront" theater companies, Redtwist, on Bryn Mawr, is presenting the Chicago premiere of Lauren...