There is an art to doing Cabaret and making it more than just singers singing songs, but instead, a production...
Theatre Reviews
One of the biggest problems I have with Light Opera Works and their productions is that they run for such...
Highly Recommended **** What happens to us when we face the end of our days? Some people tend to review...
Belfast Girls is about five fictitious Irish women aboard the Innichinan, a real ship bound for Australia during the Great...
I don't know if it is the aging process I am going through or the move of the current production...
This is one of those confusing productions to refuse. The actors had the script been stronger would have brought this...
The Court Theatre closes its 60th season with “the Secret Garden”; the classic Tony Award winning musical based on the...
Highly Recommended **** For those of you who have not yet visited the new Windy City Playhouse, on west Irving...
Highly Recommended **** As my friend and I walked to E.D.G.E. Theatre Company’s production of “MacSith,” he asked me that...
Sideshow Theatre’s production of “Chalk”, a post-apocalyptic sci-fi horror story, doesn’t quite measure up to its premise. The story starts...