Neil Simon! Need I say more! When we see that name as the playwright, we know that we are in...
Theatre Reviews
Highly Recommended **** Memory is special, as are our memories. As they begin to fade, do we as well?. In...
Highly Recommended **** When it was announced that Marriott Theatre was presenting "ELF" as their "holiday" musical, I thought they...
Somewhat Recommended ** Every once in a while, I am placed in a position of being unsure of how to...
Highly Recommended **** The Chicago Theatre scene is filled with brilliant new plays so I am always excited when something...
Highly Recommended ***** The last year, one of constant revelation regarding the Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner story, has brought to the surface...
Highly Recommended **** I took my six year-old granddaughter, Molly, to see Emerald City Theatre’s “Magic Tree House: A Night...
Not Recommended “Unspeakable”, the new “dramatic fantasia” about the life of Richard Pryor is not a good play. It is...
Step Up production’s of Neil Simon’s “Barefoot in the Park” throws the free spirited Corie (Alex Fisher) and conservative lawyer...
My friends and I grew up on Roald Dahl, and “James and the Giant Peach” was the first chapter-book many...