Highly Recommended **** It is the 400th Anniversary of Shakespeare’s death, and the Chicago theatre scene abounds with productions of...
Theatre Reviews
Highly Recommended ***** It is hard to believe that twenty years have transpired since Jonathan Larson's "Rent" took New York...
Highly Recommended ***** We all know that Fairy Tales end with "Happily Ever After", but what if that isn't the...
Upon entering the Richard Christiansen Theater, upstairs at The Biograph,Victory Gardens, one sees a replica of the MacDonald's back on...
Recommended *** (production value) Highly Recommended **** (star and ensemble). While there are many who love seeing the "quintessential backstage...
Somewhat Recommended ** As I entered Theater One at Theater Wit and saw the set (designed to move-in perfection by...
For many years, I have been one to run anytime I hear that a theater company is doing David Auburn's...
Highly Recommended ***** Over the years of viewing productions by the Non-Equity Night Blue Performing Arts Company, I have witnessed...
Recommended *** When I was a student at The Goodman, back in the 1960's (it was part of the Art...
As I made my way from one The Den Theatre’s elegant lobbies (equipped with a bar) through one of its...